Raw Milk?

February 20, 2009 at 11:22 pm Leave a comment

As you probably know, I am continually looking for new ways to make our diet healthier. I grew up drinking pasteurized skim milk. The grocery store that my mom shopped at (and still shops at) sold milk that was produced at the farm on the property.

For several years, we purchased milk at our local grocery store. Perhaps a year or so ago, my husband’s parents told us they purchase milk at a local farm, that has a small store. We had been to the farm before (Lapp Valley Farm), they have wonderful ice cream there. Since the milk was cheaper at this farm, we decided to begin buying it there. (You can read a nice article about Lapp Valley Farm at Edible Chesapeake, just scroll down to the bottom of the third page.) Since my in-laws purchase their milk there, we take turns going, which works out to be every other week. I have been buying most of my butter here also. It’s about the same price as the grocery store, but I know it’s fresher and doesn’t have any hormones added. A few months ago, we switched to 1 1/2%, since our doctor suggested our 4 year old son should be drinking 1 1/2% or 2%. And it’s just easier if we all drink the same milk, instead of different kinds. My son was drinking whole milk from age 1-2, and then gave him skim, but we didn’t realize they recommend children continue to drink milk with more fat until they are teenagers, which is why we recently switched to 1 1/2%.

As I have been reading more and more about eating naturally, I keep seeing articles about raw milk. My sister-in-law and her family get raw milk from a nearby farm and I know she believes it’s better for them. I am still hesitant to switch, just because it seems like raw milk can be more harmful than pasteurized milk.

I came across Raw Milk: Discussing it’s Merits and Safety today. The more I read about it, the more it seems that raw milk is better, you just need to make sure the seller cleans his/her equipment well, since most problems are due to uncleanliness.

Raw milk is more expensive than pasteurized milk, typically around $4 or $4.50 per gallon. Currently, we are paying $3 per gallon and we buy 3 gallons each week. So if we would switch, it would be an additional $3 per week, which is definitely something we could work into our budget. But I am still undecided.

What are your thoughts on raw milk? Do you drink it or have you considered drinking it?

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February 2009