Archive for October 14, 2008

Menu Plan Monday (on Tuesday)

Better late than never. We had company over last night and I did not get a chance until this morning to plan my weekly menu. So here it is:

Monday: chicken corn soup, homemade garlic, cheese and chive biscuits, cheese and crackers, applesauce, fudge
(This was a potluck dinner, so my guests brought salad, tea, cookies, and cake.)

Tuesday: grilled honey ham, twice baked potatoes, steamed green beans

Wednesday: BBQ pork chops, steamed veggies, leftover biscuits from Monday

Thursday: spaghetti and salad

Friday: creamed chicken w/ peas over rice (More-With-Less, page 186 – I didn’t get to this last week), and salad

Saturday: dinner at a friend’s house, I’m not sure what I’ll be taking yet

Sunday: pita bread pizza, salad or steamed veggies

Feel free to ask for any recipes if a cookbook is not mentioned. When I don’t list a cookbook, that means I have my own recipe or I make it up as I go along.

October 14, 2008 at 6:38 pm Leave a comment

Tuesday’s Tip Jar – Organizing Herbs and Spices

I keep my herbs and spices in my lazy susan cabinet. In order to help me find a particular item faster, I have my containers in alphabetical order. For the most part, I keep my spices in small spice containers.

Since buying herbs and spices in bulk is normally cheaper, I try to place the bulk containers behind my smaller containers and refill the smaller containers as needed. (Sometimes there is not enough space to store my extra spices, so I put them elsewhere in the cabinet.) I am also trying to date the bulk containers so I know how old the item is.

Recently, I went through my collection of herbs and spices and wrote down on a post-it note which items were full or that I had extra container of that herb or spice. This way, if I run out of an herb or spice in a small container, I can check my list to see if I have more of that particular herb or spice, or if I need to purchase more.

October 14, 2008 at 6:29 pm 1 comment

The Couponizer Giveaway at Attention Target Shoppers

Ginger from Attention Target Shoppers notified me that she is having her first giveaway on her blog. She is giving away The Couponizer. To enter, go to Attention Target Shoppers. Deadline is October 27.
Thanks Ginger, for telling me about your contest!

October 14, 2008 at 9:50 am Leave a comment

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October 2008